H Birel και TM ξανά μαζί

Η Birel ανακοίνωσε την συνεργασία της με την TM για την νέα αγωνιστική χρονιά. 
Η TM θα αναλάβει τον εξοπλισμό των κινητήρων της BIREL Motorsport για τις κατηγορίες KF και KZ. 
Οι δύο εταιρείες είχαν συνεργαστεί ξανά στα μέσα του 90 και στις αρχές του 2000, όπου είχαν σημειώσει μεγάλες επιτυχίες. 

Η διακοπή της συνεργασίας με την BMB έγινε σύμφωνα με τον Ronni Sala για λόγους κόστους. 

 Στην KZ οι επίσημοι οδηγοί της Birel Motorsport, Roberto Toninelli και Paolo De Conto θα χρησιμοποιούν μοτέρ βελτιωμένα από το εργοστάσιο της TM, όπως επίσης και οι οδηγοί της AVG Racing, Arnaud Kozlinski και Maxime Roy. 

 Στην KF οι Gabriel Aubry και George Russell θα χρησιμοποιούν μοτέρ βελτιωμένα, με τη συμμετοχή της Birel στη βελτίωση τους και την άμεση υποστήριξη της TM. 

 O Ronni Sala δηλώνει πολύ ικανοποιημένος με την νέα συμφωνία με την TM και θέτει υψηλα τον πήχη για την νέα χρονιά καθώς πιστεύει πως η ομάδα του θα μπορέσει να ασχοληθεί περισσότερο με την βελτίωση των σασί που άλλωστε είναι και η ειδικότητα της. 

 Δείτε αναλυτικα το δελτίο τύπου της Birel Motorsport 2013 


The Pesaro based company will be Birel Motorsport 2013 official motor supplier Birel has announced that the 2013’s organising and technical strategy includes a collaboration agreement according to which TM will be the Motorsport Team new official motor supplier for KZ and KF classes. 

So, the two Italian companies will be collaborating once again, following the great success achieved together in the mid 90s and early 2000s, reviving their high potential technical partnership. 
 The agreement involves supplying the official KZ motors managed by Franco Drudi for Paolo De Conto and Roberto Toninelli, as well as for Arnoud Kozlinski (who will be directed by team AVG), while KF classes will have their own tuner operating under the direct supervision of the Pesaro based builder. Birel’s decision therefore implies the suspension of the International “racing” programme for BMB motors, manufactured by the Birel Group Company bearing the same name which will hence focus on promotional and National programmes. 

 Here is Ronni Sala’s comment on the goal of these strategic choices:
 "Given the present critical and instable scenario in the racing market, taking steady investment in motoring technical development was turning out costly for our Group, as well as only relatively effective on the sports and marketing side. 
Considering such picture, TM’s willingness to create a synergy with us in the competitive ambit was welcomed as an opportunity for recreating what was once a mutually satisfactory partnership, both sports and marketing wise. It was with such premise that we laid down the basis for finding a new agreement which will give us the opportunity to have an authoritative motoring partner, as well as that of fully dedicating research and development to chassis and technical accessories, which make the true core business of our group. 
We are really satisfied with the terms of this new collaboration and with the technical support that TM will provide our racing division with, and we do believe we have made a choice that will help us optimise our racing commitment, for even further improvement.” 


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